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Decco Ranch Foals
Our Foals Are People Raised

Four foals tied and standing quietly

We handle our foals from the time they are born. They are people raised, and become a part of our lives. All of our foals are broke to lead with a neck rope, which teaches them to give to the rope any time they feel pressure. This lesson stays with them forever, which is why it is so easy to tie them anywhere. It also encourages them to look and listen to people for comfort, which in turn develops the people/horse bonding, and makes them willing recipients during ground training and breaking to ride.

Click on any picture to view a larger image. To see multiple photos (side and/or front/back views) of each foal individually, click here to go to Horses for Sale, scroll through the chart for horses of interest, then click on any name to view the photos and information on a particular horse.

2008 Foals:

Just born - 2008 Sorrel Tobiano Filly by Atari BobCat x Decco Lo Commotion      Just born - 2008 Sorrel Tobiano Filly by Atari BobCat x Decco Lo Commotion

2008 Bay Solid Colt by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco MegaPep   2008 Bay Solid Colt by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco MegaPep   2008 Bay Solid Colt by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco MegaPep

2008 Sorrel Tobiano Filly by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco Megalicious   2008 Sorrel Tobiano Filly by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco Megalicious   2008 Sorrel Tobiano Filly by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco Megalicious

   Jolly Yo Cat colt at 12 days old   Jolly Yo Cat colt at 12 days old   Jolly Yo Cat colt at 12 days old

We have four foals this year - - Top: Sorrel tobiano filly born 5/8/08 by Atari BobCat (High Brow Cat son) x Decco Lo Commotion. This filly has a 50% chance of being homozygous. 2nd down: Bay solid colt born 4/29/08 by Jolly Yo Cat (High Brow Cat son) x Decco MegaMotion (5x CGA Hall of Fame). 3rd down: Sorrel tobiano filly born 4/2/08 by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco Megalicious. Bottom: Bay tobiano stud colt born 3/4/08 by Jolly Yo Cat x Decco Freckle Face. Jolly Yo Cat is a fully trained cutter. Atari BobCat is a NCHA money earner. The mares are by NCHA cutting horse sires.

2006 Foals:

Jolly Yo Cat filly at 10 days old

We had two foals in 2006, both stud colts. The foal on the left is a bay tobiano by Laker Doc, AQHA, NCHA earnings of $175,000. The foal on the right is a sorrel tobiano colt by Tangys Classy Peppy, NCHA earnings of $100,000. Both dams are by NCHA cutting sires.

2005 Foals:

Decco Freckle Face and her Laker Doc colt at 1 hour old.   Laker Doc colt at 24 hours old   Laker Doc colt at 24 hours old.

   Hickory's Indian Pep filly at 24 hours old   Hickory's Indian Pep filly at 24 hours old   Decco Megamotion and her 12 hour old Hickory's Indian Pep filly.

We have two foals born March 23, 2005: a sorrel tobiano stud colt by Laker Doc ($175,000+ NCHA earnings), and a sorrel tovero filly by Hickory's Indian Pep ($102,000 NCHA earnings). Both are out of mares by NCHA money earners. Both foals were born people friendly.

2004 Foals:

Kit Dual filly at 6 months old   Kit Dual filly at 6 months old   Kit Dual filly at 4 months old

   Dual Regard colt at 2 weeks old   Dual Regard colt at 6  months old   Dual Regard colt at 6 months old   Dual Regard colt at 2 weeks old with dam

We only had two foals born in 2004: a sorrel tobiano filly by Kit Dual ($200,000+ NCHA earnings), and a sorrel tobiano stud colt (gelding) by Dual Reward ($200,000+ NCHA earnings). Both are out of mares by He's In Command, NCHA money earner. We're excited!

2003 Foals:

Decco Megariffic (filly - sold) with dam MGM MegaBandit, sired by He's In Command   Decco Megariffic (filly - sold) by He's In Command   Decco Doc Royal with dam Decco Lo Commotion, sired by Doc's Twice Royal   Decco Doc Royal, sired by Doc's Twice Royal

Unnamed Colt by Decco Pepycola x Decco MegaMotion    Decco Doc Royal by Doc's Twice Royal    Unnamed Colt with dam Decco Megamotion, sired by Decco Pepycola

Three foals were born here at Decco Ranch in 2003, all by different sires.  All sires are NCHA money earners:  Doc's Twice Royal (Doc O'Lena x King P-234 daughter), He's In Command and Decco Pepycola.  We purchased a new Quarter Horse stud colt that arrived here in August 2003 from Texas, sired by High Brow Cat ($100,000+ NCHA earnings) x Little Smashed (NCHA money earning and producing daughter of Peppy San Badger). His name is Jolly Yo Cat, and he is currently with Tim Smith for cutting training.

2002 Foals:

A foal is scratching herself    Two 2002 colts with their dams.    Cyrenea is working with this grulla colt on lead training.   

We had 6 foals born this year (2002). One was sold with his dam shortly after birth (immediately above, solid sorrel colt in middle photo). The other five are available for sale. Four of the five foals are shown tied above as they wait patiently for me to untie them. The last born foal is pictured immediately below (far left, light bay tobiano filly, full side view). As you enter the foal field, prepare to be pestered by foals. They follow us everywhere and demand attention. They want to stand next to us, be touched, and touch us in return.

'Starburst' - filly by Bo Sox Red b. 5/27/02   Sorrel Tobiano Colt & Bay Tobiano Filly b. March/April 2002   Grulla Tobiano Colt & Bay Tobiano Filly born March/April 2002.

Pictures below are of pre-2002 foals. Some are still available in Horses for Sale. We want you to see every-day type photos showing some of the interaction with the foals or cute foal pictures. Unfortunately, I have not yet taken photos of Bill lifting up young foals in his arms. He also routinely throws the ends of ropes over their backs to get them used to movement on and over them.

Michael Rivera is trailer training a foal    Michael Rivera is petting a newborn foal.    "April" is checking out Bill. 

The foal (Decco Pepycola) has to spread his legs to eat grass    Stacy Rivera is teaching a foal to lift his leg.    Decco Designer & Decco Megalicious (both for sale)

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